For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21

A generous heart is...
...a faithful heart.

The Addicted Find Freedom and Recovery
Together with Pivot Ministries, we're able to provide recovery support to the men in this program. We equip and train them to preach the word of God, and in return the men provide labor and assistance to the community and church.

Our Church Building is Refreshed
God has blessed us with a beautiful building that functions as a lively hub for ministry. In 2022, we were able to give honor to God by making muchneeded maintenance upgrades. Our steeple was painted and restored to its original glow. The Parlor, Munich Room, and Brooks Hall also received facelifts to make our building more welcoming, and useful for our current ministries.

New Worship Services are Offered
Over the past six months we have welcomed new families and children through the start of Common Ground and our inspiring Traditional service.

The Hungry are Fed
Through your generosity, we are able to feed the hungry by pairing with several organizations. From working with Rise Against Hunger to pack 10,000 meals, to cooking for Operation Hope once a month, or participating in food drives for places like Bridgeport Rescue Mission, we give back in many ways so that many give thanks to God.

Children Receive the Good News
Through the support of many, the Children’s Adventurer’s Program is introducing children to Christ through crafts, interactive stories, and sports. We also rejoice and celebrate that Pastor Liz has successfully restarted our Middle School Ministry with lively pizza nights. These programs allow God to plant seeds of faith within the
next generation.