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Rick Lewis

Director of Contemporary Worship Service

Rick Lewis

Many people in Fairfield County will recognize Rick as the band leader of the popular local band, Green Eyed Lady. Rick began his career as a nationally touring professional musician while running Lewis Sound Productions recording studio and jingle writing business. Rick answered the call to ministry by going into full-time missions work, touring and leading worship around the country and around the world, with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) and Mercy Ships. In 2012 Rick founded Home Church New England, a non-profit ministry that has enabled him and his wife Jenn to be a pastors-at-large serving the Fairfield community and beyond, as well as providing parachurch support to local churches, building and training worship teams and providing pastoral counseling for the last decade. Ordained since 1997, Rick holds his non-denominational pastoral ordination through International Ministerial Fellowship which supports pastors in field work and missions. Rick has pursued his calling in music and ministry with a life characterized by out-of-the-box thinking, walking with God in a passionate adventure that has enabled him to be effective in the unlikeliest of places.

First Presbyterian Church of Fairfield, CT 

2475 Easton Turnpike

Fairfield, CT 06825

(203) 374-6176

Church Office Hours

Sunday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Monday-Thursday: 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM

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