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Explore Faith

with FPC, a Spirit-filled Bible-based Faith Community

Whether you grew up going to church, are returning, or are completely new to it all, you’re invited to explore what it means to be known & loved on your walk with Jesus.

Starts 9/8 | Small Groups Start 9/16

September Prayer
Sermon Series and
Small Groups

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Starting Sunday, Sept. 8, Pastor Greg will return to the pulpit and will begin a new sermon series on The Lord's Prayer.


How to Pray The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer is the most famous prayer in history, crafted by Jesus himself. This prayer tool will unpack its significance and demonstrate how it can be used as a model and a map.


Starting the following week, small groups will meet for an eight week journey that will help us and our church to grow and deepen our prayer life, one week at a time. Sign up this Sunday for one of the small groups: Mondays at 8 pm via Zoom (a women's group), Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am (mixed group) in person in the Munich room, or Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm (mixed group) via Zoom.

Belong to a Family of Families

Strong bonds come from strong foundations and common ground. That's why it's crucial to teach the next generation to love God and to love people. 


Get equipped with fun activities and tools to strengthen your family and raise your children up in faith.

Build Up Children & Youth

Every loving parent knows that kids need a safe place to learn and grow. Help them develop strong faith & character. Let’s build them up in God’s love together. 

Faith Journeys for Adults

Men & women of all ages are invited to get connected with their peers. Explore life’s big questions, experience scripture, receive encouragement and walk together on this faith journey.

First Presbyterian Church of Fairfield, CT 

2475 Easton Turnpike

Fairfield, CT 06825

(203) 374-6176

Church Office Hours

Sunday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Monday-Thursday: 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM

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